UNIVERSITI SELANGOR telah menyediakan dana bagi Geran Penyelidikan Dalaman BESTARI 2022. Permohonan perlu dibuat menerusi Sistem Penyelidikan Universiti (SPU) TCMS2.0
News & Updates
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Research & Innovation

Research Centre & Unit
Unisel has established several research centres and units to inculcate research culture at faculty level in various fields.

Research Institutes & CoE
There are several research institutes in our university. They are positioned under Department of Research Excellence to nourish research culture in Unisel.

Research Facilities
Unisel has several research laboratory equipped with latest high standard scientific equipments. Please contact person in charge and visit our laboratories.

Our researchers have successfully published journal articles, secured numerous research grants, and won several prestigious awards.
Our Achievement

About Us
Pusat Penyelidikan dan Jaringan Industi (Centre for Research and Industrial Linkages) berperanan sebagai pusat pengurusan penyelidikan kepada penyelidik-penyelidik UNISEL